Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Biggest, Nastiest, Deadly Habit....

   I have a few problems. Some of them are really small. Some of them are big enough to make a weaker person kill himself. But, the biggest problem I have is killing me slowly. Its Cigarettes. At one time in my life, I HATED cigarettes. As a child, I can remember leaving a Detroit Tigers baseball game holding my dad's hand and being burned on my arm by a man's cigarette walking past us. An experience like that would make ANYONE not ever want to pick up a habit like smoking. But, then again I'm not just anyone....

I'm not a heavy, every 30 min. smoker. I might smoke 1 pack every 3 days. But I'm still smoking. My teeth are ugly. My breath stinks. My hands smell like them. My woman hates that I smoke. But being the superwoman that she is, she toughs it out and doesn't give me grief about it. I do plan to kick the habit. I have tried before and the longest I've went was 2 weeks. 10 whole days without a cigarette. Now, I can't go 10 hours.

I believe that bad habits can be dropped like weight on Worlds Biggest Loser. Its just about self control. Mind over matter. There has to be a want to stop. I'm getting to have a child and I think that's a good enough reason to do so. I'll never forget being in Drafting class 1st hour at Davis Aerospace and smelling Brandon Pritchet. His parents smoked cigarettes in the car on the way to drop him off everyday. Smelling him, you would've thought he worked nights at a bar somewhere. I don't want to subject my kid to that. And I don't want to be out of breath when its time to run through the meadow. Or play hide and go seek.

So today I vow to kick the cigarette habit. I give myself until October 1st. I'll keep you guys and gals posted on how its going.

Have a greater day than yesterday. Catch you later.

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