Friday, May 27, 2011

ITS A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

     Tuesday, I found out that I'm having a son. That's right. A little E.Green pt. 2. And I don't know if I have the words in my vocabulary to tell you how happy I am. When we were at the hospital getting the Ultrasound, a flash of my playing catch w/a little boy came through my head. And when the nurse told us, I teared up a bit. The Queen was crying like she had just seen Jesus but that's understandable. This is the all time coolest thing I've ever been apart of. A SON. That's all I keep saying to myself. A SON.

     I'm going to name him Eric Green. I don't know if I should make it Jr. or the 2nd. Guess the queen and I will talk that out. There are so many thoughts in my head about this whole experience. Will he look like me? Will he be athletic? Will be a quiet kid? Will he catch on to things fast? The questions never stop. I'm really excited about it but I also have to be realistic about it too. This world we live in is very downtrodden and I'm going to have to safeguard him from a lot. Raising a child isn't cheap either so I have to figure out what I'm gonna do to make some more money. My mom didn't have a lot to work with raising me so I know how it'll go. She made the best out of the hand she was dealt. That's the same thing I'll have to do too.

         My brother is going to be an uncle. My sister is going to be an aunt. My favorite aunt is going to be a Great aunt. And my parents are going to be grandparents. That is some real shit. My whole mind set is going to change. It has too. My life is dedicated to him and her now. (In that order) E.Green the realist is about to transform into E.Green the FATHER. That is priceless. Most of my adult life I have been searching for happiness. I think this little boy is going to be my true source of happiness.

Let me go and get ready to go home. Thanks for reading my thoughts.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tuesday is the day

   Hey long time no see....

Since my life is oh so uneventful, I haven't had really much to write about. Later on today, I finally get to find out what the sex of my baby is going to be. At 1st I wanted a girl but I'm not tripping either way it goes. As long as it has all its parts and its healthy. That's really all I care about. The Queen and I are on the same page about that. I was talking to my cousin earlier and he asked me if I had any dreams that might give me any clues as to what the sex would be. I had to laugh because in all my dreams, if a kid of mine is around, it has on a all black ninja suit and I can't see its face. That's too funny. My own dreams can't help me out with this one. So, I'll see later today.
What do you think it'll be???

   Saturday, I slept the whole day away AGAIN. Going to sleep @ 11am and not waking up till 8:37pm. To make the best of the night, the Queen and I went to see Thor. It was ok. But they kinda played the love story up more than they cranked up the action.

  Sunday we went and "made groceries". (Southern Term for grocery shopping) and went over her brother's house. Like I said earlier, Uneventful.

Well, Today is tuesday...what are you going to do with the rest of your week?

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Just give em' up

   Its friday and I had a pretty good week. I can't complain about anything that happened because I still have a job and I still look the same. There IS something that happened at work today that I'd like to speak on though. I work at a University as a Custodial Supervisor. I am the youngest in the department on all shifts. I have prior experience in this field so I know the job and the work. But being younger and I think Darker than mostly everyone in the department, I run into a lot of hostility from others within the department. For example....

     When I get to work, I give out keys to buildings and assignments. Tonight, there were 3 sets of keys missing from the office. These keys were to the building I'm mainly assigned to. Another supervisor told me that the keys were being used by the afternoon shift because they were cleaning up after a graduation earlier in the day. He also said that he'd go and get the keys and bring them to me. So, since he always takes his sweet time to do things, I went to the building to get the keys myself. And let me add that the building is adjacent to my own across a parking lot.

     When I got to the building, I sought out what looked like a supervisor, identified myself and stated that I was there to get the keys to the athletics building. The guy looked at me crazy and refused to give me the keys. Again, I told him who I was and said that I had people waiting to start their work. He said, "I'll give the keys to who I got them from and they'll give them to you". Huh? So I call the other supervisor I share an office with and tell him what's going on. He asks me to put the guy on the phone and at 1st he didn't want to talk to him. Then he snatches the phone and they start talking. I hear the guy say, "well I don't even know him". But I'm in uniform AND I told you who I was.

          He walks towards three other people and starts talking some spanish and tells the guy that lied to me a few weeks ago, Ernesto to give me the keys.

      Now, maybe I'm being a bitch about it, maybe I'm offended. BUT, I know if I was white, OR if I came up in there talking Spanish, I'd have got those keys and been on my merry way. BUT, since I AM young, and a Black man, the 1st thing that comes into their heads is "he's on some bullshit". Not Cool. I don't use broken english, I don't sag my pants, I don't have gold teeth. Someone can look at me and tell that I'm not an ignorant guy. But, since the world thinks that all black men are stupid monkey's, this guy had his mind made up about me before I opened my mouth.

I got the keys though. And I emailed my department director about the situation. For the 1st time, I snitched.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Her 1st Mom's Day

      I had the best sunday that I've had in month's. Earlier last week I was really down and out about not being able to spend my mom on Mother's day. But by thursday, it finally dawned on me that I have a new mother in my own home! So sunday night, I called the Queen's mom, brother, and sister and invited them over for an "Inaugural Mother's Day Bbq" and guess what? THEY ALL SHOWED!!! They really showed me. Because I'm gonna be honest, I didn't think they gave a fuck about us having a baby. So I stand corrected. Any differences they had between themselves, they kept that shit to themselves for the sake of their little sister. And I can't tell you how much I appreciated that.

          We grilled up chicken, burgers, steak, and baked potatoes. We all sat down and ate. Then took a dip in the pool. The Queen was so happy! And I was even happier because I finally got to see her smile at something other than Meet the Browns. All in all, it was a real nice day. I'm a bit dry on the words today so I'll ride out from here.

You have a great week and try not to sweat the small stuff. Catch you later

Saturday, May 7, 2011

They made us hate ourself and love they Wealth

  .    I had a conversation with the Queen's uncle about a month ago that had and has me thinking. He believes that the Civil Rights movement hurt Blacks instead of helping us. His view was that in the Jim Crow days, whites told Blacks that, "we don't want you here". And what did we do? We created our own communities. With Black stores, Black restaurants, Black movie theaters that showed Black movies there were even Black Doctors and Dentist offices. But like the Kanye West verse says, "They made hate ourselves and love their Wealth" and we wanted to be equal.

    But we weren't made equals. Because even though after Civil Rights Movement paved the way for equality, we were (and still are) still being given the short end of the stick. After thinking over and over on his theory, I can believe it. Black folks have NOTHING but some fancy clothes, cars with rims, and the houses they live in. Where is the equality? Where is the wealth that the whites have? The same wealth that our forefathers died for building this country? Are we spending it on Polo shirts and gold and platinum jewelry? What wealth are we passing down to our future generations?

        When I look at the degradation of our society, I notice how it has effected my own community. 20 years ago there were shows that showcased the Black family in a good light. Shows like Family Matters, The Cosby Show, A Different World, Rock, Sister Sister, Thea, Teen Summit. These shows were staples in Black households that addressed many issues that arose in day to day life of a Black family. Now days all kids have to watch is 16 and pregnant. Or 106 & Park. Where negative images are displayed ALL DAY.

      Somewhere down the line we (Black folk) dropped the ball and traded it for a platinum chain. Our youth is clueless as to how the world really is and how they are viewed. The average 15 to 21 year old inner-city Black youth's mentality has been shaped to only be out for self. Only out to get money like the entertainers and sports figures they see on T.V. There is no oneness anymore. No camaraderie. "Fuck you, Pay Me" is the attitude now. But who is to blame?

     Well, I blame our own selves. WE were the ones that wanted equality. WE were the ones that wanted to live in white neighborhoods. But when we moved in, no one told us about the racial profiling that came with it. No one told us of all the stipulations that came with just being equal. Some body should have told Martin Luther King to sit down and shut the fuck up back in the 50's. If they did, I don't think our race would be in such a shambles. We would have a proud race. A race of Kings and Queens that actually had something other than a nice outfit and gaudy jewelry. We need to change the deadly pattern of thinking and living that we have succumb to. But I really don't have the answers. I can only teach my own kid to think and live different. That's where it starts. In our homes. We as parents as adults need to pass more along to the next generation than monetary gifts. We need to pass along a better way of thinking to our own kids and youth we come in contact with. Its actually 5:40am and I'm at work so if my thoughts are running a little its because I'm tired and ready to go home. Sorry.

This is just my view on things. If you have a different one, there's the comment box.

Sunday, May 1, 2011




          I almost forgot.....

I want to send a special Congratulations to my cousin Jason Green. Over the weekend he became nationally ranked at the NAGA trials in Chicago, Ill. Its a real big deal to me because when we were kids, I used to beat his ass and now, he's talking about how he had to drop weight to 195. And with me being a measly 150lbs., that's the shit to me. And moreover, I don't know nobody nationally ranked in nothing but robbery. Here's a link to the NAGA website so you can check it out yourself. Congrats cuz!

Be Realistic with yourself


         I like to think realistically about the situations I find myself in and the situations of others that I encounter. And sometimes, that realistic view can offend others or irritate myself. I've been living in Houston almost 3 years now and the only time I've seen my family is when I've went back to Detroit myself to visit. I have heard talk of coming down to visit but only one no, two have actually come. My realistic view on this is that I'll NEVER see any of them again. That's my mom, sister, brother, father, aunts, uncles, and cousins.

        I don't see that view as a negative one. I see it as truth. My father retired sometime last year and I know he had got on a plane and went somewhere since then. But not to Houston. This IS very depressing. But you can't let something like that hold you back. Well, I try not too. My moods are up and down. I could be feeling good about a situation and my day could be going swell. And then, I'll get home, have a talk with my mother and feel bad as hell. And its not from anything we talked about, its because I can't see her beautiful smile. Same goes for my father. My brother and myself would go over his house every sunday and kick it. Now almost every sunday, I'm sitting on the couch depressed.

        But, I say once again, you can't situations like that hold you back from living and enjoying life. I'm starting my own family so it kind of takes the weight off the situation. But not really. Because my kid will only be around one set of grandparents. He/she won't be able to know my parents, siblings, and other family like I'd want it too. Its really fucked up but I chose this life and that's what it is. I have to be real with myself and the situation I'm in.

         The Queen is younger than me. She was born and raised in Houston, Texas. I, as you know was born in Detroit, Michigan. Two totally different worlds. She was raised in a dual parent home. I was raised in a single parent home. So just from those few facts you can glean that we have totally different ways of thinking. And we have a LOT of heated back and forth dialogue due to those factors. My realistic view on this situation is that after a while, she AND myself will realize that we can learn from each other. I think that when I tell her things, she takes it as a "brow-beating". When I'm really trying to put her up on game because I have a bit more experience at this thing we call life. When she tries to tell me things, I have to realize that she has a different view on things due to upbringing and lack of experience. That's just how it is. You have to adjust and roll on from there.

That's all I have for now. Its Sunday so I want you all to have a Great week.